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We strive to give our clients as much real life hands on experience with the goal of providing them a jump start into independent living. Some of the amazing activities we provide every month include practical uses of money and how to budget, reading and following simple recipes, putting cooking skills to use in a full functioning kitchen, learning self care skills such as laundry and proper hygiene, adulting 101 and so much more! These skills provide each and every one of our clients the right to be as independent as possible within their individual capabilities. Independent does not mean alone, but instead how to be the best I can be for myself. 


A fantastic highlight of our program is offering Cooking Days and Recipe Days every other week for clients to first learn a recipe, then practice the skills necessary to cook the food in a functioning kitchen the following week. Time is also spent on planning out groceries and money for purchasing ingredients.

Clients practice skills include:

  • Kitchen and culinary learning

  • Independent and collaborative problem solving

  • Computer skills, including internet safety and typing

  • Self-care

  • Nutrition education

  • Daily exercise habits

  • Reading and writing

**Our staff work with each client on areas where they may need extra attention, when applicable according to their support plan, in order to build their range of skills**


304 Druid Hills Road

Temple Terrace, FL. 33617

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